Hello X-Ring Shooters! We would like to try something different this year and do a mini pre-sale, offering some different colored Hi-Tek bullets for this month!
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have been doing many experiments on trying to do PINK bullets; obviously from the pictures provided here (and our explanation on our Facebook Page) we are unable to do so with Hi-Tek. But this "Aggie" maroon is the closest we can come up with on such short notice and we are going to roll with it for now and keep working on different coatings (powder coatings, etc.) for the future.
We understand if this is upsetting to some customers, as this is not the right PINK, but we do not want to delay this any further and give our customers the opportunity to pre-order some bullets/profiles in this wonderful color!
* We will be taking pre-sale orders until October 31st, 2023.
* We are ONLY offering 6 different profiles for now in this color. Orders for these profiles will ship within a 2 week period after the deadline.
* We will have a new Tab/menu for these profiles for customers to pre-order.
* We will be adding on more profiles as we figure out deadlines for more "odd-ball" profiles". (NOTE: If we do so, we will mention in the description for these profiles how long the wait time will be).
We welcome more suggestions and we will decide as a team here if we are able to do these requests' (please only suggest profiles we already carry!)

Thank you all for understanding and supporting us. We want to use this opportunity to give back to our communities and will be donating 5% of the proceeds to multiple Breast Cancer Awareness organizations.
Also, we will be doing more "sales" like this in the future and offering more colors as we experiment. We will be a bit more on-top of those sales as we work through these new additions!